March 1st -3rd, 2023
Sonesta St. George Hotel, Luxor.

The 3rd edition of Shefaa Al-Orman Hospital annual scientific conference that will be held from 1st – 3rd March 2023 in Luxor, Egypt; aims at presenting a state of the art model in incorporating the latest technology in cancer management, diagnosis and treatment for serving thousands of patients in Upper Egypt. The conference will focus on SOH experience in battling cancer in Upper Egypt, for an era of “Upper Egypt with NO cancer”. This Year's theme is "Real world data generation, hand in hand with health economics". The conference is organized in collaboration with the Arab Medical Association Against Cancer (AMAAC), Egyptian Cancer Society (ECS), Egyptian Foundation for Medical Sciences (EFMS) and C.A.I.R.O Journal Club (CJC). We are delighted to welcome you to the 3rd SOH conference, and to provide an attractive scientific platform for the presentation of excellent cancer research, and the exchange of knowledge with some of the world’s most renowned experts in the field. The agenda will offer an insight in patient management, and practice through an outstanding range of scientific lectures, symposia and workshops in an inspiring atmosphere.

The 3rd SOH 2022

It is a pleasure to announce that the Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) of the American Association of Continuing Medical Education designates the scientific program of the 3rd Shefa Al Orman Annual Conference for a maximum of 33.0 CME hours in the Category 1 credit of the Designation.

SOH Program is accredited by AACME

The Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) of the American Association of Continuing Medical Education (AACME) accredited the full program of the 2nd SOH Annual Scientific Conference 2022 with 26.75 hours. Pre conference workshops were accredited and granted the following number of credit hours: Surgery workshop accredited with 3.75 hours. Image Guided Brachytherapy for Carcinoma of the cervix workshop accredited with 4.50 hours. Anesthesia & Pain workshop accredited with 4 hours. Nursing workshop accredited with 3 hours. Official AACME certificates will be offered on Friday March 25th, 2022.


The target audience of the conference will be the health care professionals including:

- Surgical oncologists

- Radiologists

- Anesthesiologists

- Medical oncologists

- Gynecologists

- Pediatricians

- Radiotherapists

- Pharmacists

- Scientists

- Clinical Pathologists

- Pathologists

- Nursing staff


The conference’s main topics are: breast, GIT, Thoracic, genito-urinary, hemato-oncology, pediatric oncology and gynecological malignancies with special emphasis on: onco-fertility, nutrition, clinical pharmacy and Health economics. The conferences’ full program will be accredited by the American Association of Continuing Medical Education (AACME).
12:00 PM Departure Luxor
01:00 PM Arrival to Luxor
02:00 - 03:00 PM Hotel Check In
03:00 - 04:00 PM Lunch
06:00 PM Departure by Bus to Temple
07:00 PM Conference Opening
07:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Ministerial opening of the conference and dinner – Luxor Temple

  • Dr. El Sayed Torky, Founder, CSR MatchMakers
  • Eng. Hossam Kabany, Chairman -Al Orman
  • Dr. Khaled El Noury, Chairman - Shefaa Al Orman Board of Trustees
  • Eng.Mohamed El Sewedy, Chairman - Federation of Egyptian Industries
  • H.E. Niveen EI-Qabbag, Minister of Social Solidarity
  • H.E. Nevine Gamea, Minister of Trade and Industry
  • H.E. Yasmine Abd El Aziz, Minister of Environment
  • H.E. Mahmoud Shaarawy, Minister of Local Developement
  • H. E. Dr. Hala El Saeed, Minister of Planning & Economic Development,
  • H.E. Ambassador Nabila Makram, Minister of Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs
07:30 PM - 07:45 PM Luxor Sustainability Declaration
07:45 PM – 10:00 PM Dinner
09:30 – 10:30

New Frontiers of Sustainable Investment: New Opportunities for the Financial Sector

  • How banks can lead the CSR/SDGs journey in Egypt by transforming pressing­ development and sustainability challenges into business opportunities.
  • How to access over $12 trillion Sustainable investment assets globally.
  • How to make Blended Finance an important component of your risk management strategy.
  • How to move from being a "passive investor" searching for Blended Products, to assisting potential clients to launch innovative products with high environmental, social, and governance impacts.
  • How to build competitive advantage through financial inclusion, youth entrepreneurship, and disruptive technology.
  • How to create high-impact Innovative Partnerships with key stakeholder and utilize the SDGs national strategy.
Key note Speaker: Dr. Djordjija Petkoski, Lecturer and Senior Fellow at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and co-chair of the Ideas4Action

  • Dr. Mohamed Omran, Chairman of Financial Regulatory Authority
10:30 - 11:30

CSR as driver of business transformation

The world around us is changing more rapidly than ever before. Whether it is new energy systems, disruptive technologies, changing demographics, hyper-transparency, or rising geopolitical uncertainty, the context for business is radically different than it was even ten years ago. What is the role of business today in this context? Are businesses the “enablers of solutions” or the “causes of trouble”? Is Corporate Social Responsibility the “bridge to connect with our stakeholders” or the “driver of business transformation”? What are the CSR trends at Global and EU level? What do stakeholders expect from corporations and what are the barriers for them?

Key note Speaker: Ms. Μaria Alexiou, Titan Cement Company - Group Corporate Social Responsibility Director, Board Member CSR Europe


  • MR.Laurent de Boeck, Head of Mission – International Organization for Migration
  • Dr. El Sayed Torky ,Founder, CSR MatchMakers
11:30 - 01:30 Break
01:30 - 02:30

CSR & building a culture of empathy and purpose

Business has a critical role to play in ensuring the benefits of commerce extends to all aspects of society. Most recently "The Business Roundtable" the most preeminent corporate US body comprised of major CEOs also agreed that the purpose of corporations should not be to benefit just their shareholders but also to all stakeholders including customers, employees, suppliers, communities and shareholders.

Dr. Badshah led Microsoft philanthropy in its critical years helping develop its signature programs "Unlimited Potential and Youth Spark" and also help expand its employee giving programs to cross the $ 1 Billion mark. In his talk Dr. Badshah will reflect on his experience at Microsoft and why it is extremely important for companies to have CSR program in place and discuss why building a culture of empathy and purpose is beneficial to employees, customers, shareholders and the society.

Key note Speaker: Dr. Akhtar Badshah, Professor at University of Washington the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance and at the Business School


  • Eng: Tarek Tawfik, vice chairman – Federation of Egyptian Industries
  • Dr. Aleksandar Bodiroza, UNFPA representative
03:00 - 04:30 Lunch in the hotel
04:30 – 06:00

Sustainability: challenges & opportunities

This session will focus on:
1. The Sustainability challenges
2. The Sustainability Opportunities – employment and sustainable growth
3. Examples of quick wins and longer term strategies from ABB
4. Why we should all see the Sustainability agenda as important

Key note Speaker: Michael Cooke, Senior Vice President, Global Head of HSE and Sustainability, ABB


  • Dr. Khaled Abd EL Azim, Executive Director, Federation of Egyptian Industries
07:00 – 10:00 Dinner and a free tour in the city
09:30 – 11:30

Moving from Charity to Sustainability: Innovations in Strategy and Partnerships

  • How to better utilize your CSR resources, innovations, and entrepreneurship to make your CSR/SDGs Initiatives more strategic and effective? 
  • How to design and implement Blended Products, which are commercially sound and address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, that would improve access to new sources of finance?
  • How to craft and utilize quick wins - visible, high impact and scalable activities - as a base for mid- and long-term strategic sustainability initiatives?
  • How to create high-impact Innovative Partnerships with key stakeholders, including the government, banks, NGOs, and international organizations.
  • How that would improve your bottom line and put your organization on the international sustainability map?
  • How Strategic Collective Action can improve the Ecosystem and create a level playing field?
Key note Speaker: Dr. Djordjija Petkoski, Lecturer and Senior Fellow at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and co-chair of the Ideas4Action

  • Mr. Alaa El Zoheiry, Chairman of the Insurance Federation of Egypt, Managing director of GI
  • Dr. El Sayed Torky, Founder, CSR MatchMakers
12:00– 05:00 Departure by Bus to visit CSR projects.lunch with entertainment and felouka ride to hotel.
07:00 PM Dinner
09:30 – 11:00

Leveraging Industry 4.0 and upgrading skills to deliver the SDGs

Digitalization across all industries is creating new business models that address the goals of the SDGs for a more sustainable and inclusive society with economic opportunity, health and wellbeing for all. New business models can bring in new players and reconfigure value chains. Key industries such as agriculture are being transformed for more efficient production and there is huge potential to create a significant number of jobs by developing agribusiness.

Realizing this potential needs collaboration between business and government, especially to upgrade skills, and to develop infrastructures such as transport and financing instruments that enable local investment and promote start-ups.

For business this is an opportunity to integrate business and CSR objectives to deliver value. Celia Moore will draw on her experience leading IBM's Citizenship programs across EMEA to demonstrate how combining core business expertise and employee skills in partnerships with government and NGOs delivers benefits to the business and social development.

- such as the Pact4Youth partnership of CSR Europe with the European Commission

Key note Speaker: Ms. Celia Moore, Former Director of Corporate Citizenship, IBM EMEA. Honorary Member and former Chair of the Board, CSR Europe.


  • Dr. Akhtar Badshah, Professor at University of Washington the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance and at the Business School
11:30 – 12:00 Check out
12:30 – 02:00 Departure by bus to Visit Shefaa Al Orman Hospital
02:00 - 03:30 Lunch
03:30 Departure to the airport


- Cocktail attire for opening session in Luxor Temple, Thursday Jan 16, 2020.
- Business casual in conference sessions Friday Jan 17, 2020.
- Smart Casual Saturday and Sunday Jan 18 and 19, 2020. 

1st SOH 2019 Highlights











2nd SOH 2022 Highlights












St. George Hotel, Luxor, Egypt